Single File include for a "Brought to you by" banner

Every so often I create an online example of how something works.

As this sometimes occurs during working hours, I thought it might be nice to add a simple banner thanking my employer for allowing us to exposing these things to a broader public.

The idea was to have a single file of Javascript that could be included into any HTML page that would take care of all the work needed to add a nice banner.

After some experiments the final result is somewhat flexibel as to allow others to easily re-use the code for other companies.

The URL that the banner should link to, the Name of the company and any CSS class that should be added to the banner can be dynamically passed in through URL query/search parameters

The top-most banner at the bottom of this page is added with the following line of HTML:

<script src="colofon-banner.js?companyName=The%20Bean%20Machine&linkColor=rgb(0,175,219)&hoverColor=rgba(0,175,219,0.65)&url="></script>

Because the content of the banner is defined by the parameters set for the script, it can be easily changed. See the banner all the way at the bottom.

<script src="colofon-banner.js?companyName=Initech&linkColor=rgb(0,0,0)&hoverColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.65)&url="></script>