
Advice for children’s screen and social media use

On 7 February 2019, the Department of Health and Social Care posted a document to their website, in which the UK Chief Medical Officers’ (CMO) gives commentary on “Screen-based activities and children and young people’s mental health and psychosocial wellbeing: a systematic map of reviews”.[1]

Page 11 of that document gives some tips for balancing screen use with healthy living.

Thumbnail of PDF page 11

Sadly, that advice was published in PDF format only.

This repository holds a manually recreated HTML version of that advice in:

The copyright of the content in the web-pages is:

© Crown copyright 2019
Published to GOV.UK in pdf format only.
Office of the Chief Medical Officer

Licensed under the terms of [the Open Government Licence v3.0](

Cited as:
Davies S.C., Atherton F., Calderwood C., McBride M. United Kingdom Chief Medical
Officers’ commentary on ‘Screen-based activities and children and young people’s mental
health and psychosocial wellbeing: a systematic map of reviews’. Department of Health
and Social Care (2019).

